Batiste Dry Shampoo

Hair too oily.... double wash with shampoo plus conditioner... wtf how did I end with dry hair which looks like a birds nest with frizzy ends... enter leave on hair conditioners.... Hmmm nice hair so soft and shiny and... wtf.... how did I end up with this oily mess again....uggh.... 

Now I just spritz on some dry shampoo and booyah... not such an oily mess. Getting a decent dry shampoo in India is tough but thank god I got my hands on this batiste dry shampoo on my trip to the UK. I got the mini one and might buy the bigger one once this gets over . I got the version which smells too artificial and the smell lingers for a while so make sure you check and cross check the scent when you buy one.

People use dry shampoo for a variety of reasons... camping, too cold,... to lazy to wash hair... surgery, sickness etc... I use it so that I don't look like I forgot to wash my hair after oiling.

What they say:Batiste dry shampoo instantly refreshes your hair between washes leaving it feeling gorgeously clean and fresh with added body and texture. 

How to use: It is basically an aerosol...( think deodorant spray ) which you spray on your roots and massage. It didn't leave any white residue or powder.

First Pic.... You can see how my battle to tame dry frizzy just washed hair ended them looking too champu (oily)

2nd pic side view of my oily flat hair

3rd Pic... after just one brief spritz with batiste dry shampoo....just one teeny tiny spritz.. I can well imangine the volume you can build with 3-4 spritzes

4th pic to show that there is absolutely no white powder left on your hair.

Ideally you are supposed to give - 4-5 spritzes for fluffly, voluminous hair... I used just one small spritz and it did give is some volume.

I strongly recommend but please ensure you get definite whiff of the variety of scents that they have cause the scent lingers in your hair for a couple of days.  Secondly my honest advice would be to get this beauty on your trip abroad or if you can wheedle somebody into getting a bottle for you .. cause online I have seen this go for as much as Rs 3500 or Rs 4500 which is too high a price to pay for it. So don't buy online. 

P.S Pics taken in natural artificial light or filters.


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